Product leadership is an essential role for the success of any business. A product leader has the responsibility to set goals and objectives, develop strategies, manage product lifecycles, make decisions on copy or innovate, determine customer needs and create a vision for the future. But what should a new product leader do in their first 30/60/90 days? Let’s dive into some tips from successful product leaders Giuseppe Incitti, Ashwin Ramasamy, Guy Peled, Linda Gorchels and Segment for navigating this crucial period.
Tips From Giuseppe Incitti & Ashwin Ramasamy
Giuseppe Incitti suggests that a product leader’s first step should be to listen to the team and understand how they work. This means understanding their process and how they collaborate with other teams. Giuseppe also recommends building relationships with key stakeholders such as engineers, designers, marketing personnel and customers so that you can better understand how things get done in your organization.
Ashwin Ramasamy also stresses the importance of understanding the existing processes within your company as well as cultivating relationships with key stakeholders. He suggests starting by creating a 90-day plan that outlines your goals for those first three months on the job. It can also be helpful to have regular check-ins with your team members so that you can track progress against these goals. Additionally, it’s important to make sure you have access to all of the data necessary to evaluate performance metrics and customer feedback in order to make informed decisions about where to focus efforts going forward.
Guy Peled & Linda Gorchels’ Advice
Guy Peled emphasizes getting out of one’s comfort zone by talking to people who are not directly involved in product management (e.g., salespeople) or who don’t necessarily have knowledge related to products (e.g., finance people). He believes this will provide valuable insight into areas outside of one’s own field of expertise which can help inform decisions going forward. Linda Gorchels suggests taking time early on in your role as PML to assess customer needs by conducting customer interviews and surveys which will lead to better understanding of user motivations when making design and development decisions down the line.
Segment’s Rules of Engagement between PM & EM roles for Launching Projects with Multiple Teams Involved
Segment has specific rules for when launching projects involving multiple teams including engineering managers (EM) & product managers (PM). They suggest setting clear communication expectations such as weekly check-ins between PMs & EMs regarding progress updates; agreeing on project milestones ahead of time; allowing plenty of time for feedback before finalizing plans; keeping everyone up-to-date on changes; being open & transparent throughout the process; and finally ensuring everyone is working towards a common goal together no matter what difficulties arise along the way. This promotes collaboration between teams while streamlining workflow during complex launches like those seen at Segment!
To be successful in any product leadership role requires hard work, determination, and dedication—but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming! By following these tips from experienced professionals such as Giuseppe Incitti, Ashwin Ramasamy , Guy Peled , Linda Gorchels , and Segment , you can ensure that your first 30/60/90 days are productive ones while setting yourself up for success over the long haul! Understanding how each team works together while creating clear communication expectations between PMs & EMs are essential steps towards successful launches – no matter what industry you’re in! Lastly copying vs innovating decisions is also key – Van Gogh’s Artistic Process & “Everything is a Remix” Documentary provide great examples here! Make sure you draw inspiration from adjacent fields or products solving similar problems in different industries with legal considerations too! Good luck navigating these initial stages – remember it takes hard work but it’ll pay off!