When it comes to launching a successful consumer business, identifying the right customer base is key. Knowing who your customers are and understanding their needs is essential in order to ensure that your offering is actually useful to them, can be marketed well, and will generate revenue for your business over time. That’s why it’s important for companies to identify the “super-specific who” – the ideal early adopters that will not only drive more sales but also provide valuable feedback for improving the product or service offering over time as needed.
Examples of Companies with Identified Super-Specific Who
In today’s competitive market place, successful companies understand that identifying their target customer base is paramount in order to differentiate themselves from the competition and succeed in their respective industries. Take Dollar Shave Club, for example. The company identified its super-specific who as men between 18-35 years old who were looking for an affordable yet quality shaving solution – this allowed them to tailor their messaging and marketing efforts accordingly which ultimately led to their success. Another great example is Glossier, a beauty brand specifically targeting young women who want products that are easy and convenient but still cater to their unique beauty needs. By drilling down on this specific target audience, Glossier has been able to become one of the fastest growing beauty brands in recent years.
Answering Five Questions to Find Your Own Super-Specific Who
Identifying your own super-specific who can be daunting at first but answering five simple questions can help you get started:
1) Who are three real people you know that would be exceptionally excited about what you’re building? Think friends or family members who have expressed enthusiasm about similar products or services – these people serve as a great starting point when trying to define your target audience;
2) What do they have in common? Once you identify those individuals, take a look at how they overlap – what do they all share in common? This will give you clues as to what type of customer base fits best with your product or service;
3) Of your existing customers or users, which ones get most value from your product/service? Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to measure user engagement – if certain users interact more often than others then these could be potential clusters of future customers;
4) Where can you find those same types of people online or offline? Once you know what type of customers fit best with your offering then use online tools such as social media platforms (Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads), search engines (Google Ads), etc., as well as offline methods such as conferences or events related industry events;
5) How can you reach them effectively with limited time and resources? Using the insights gained from answering the previous four questions, determine how best to reach those potential customers without spending too much time or money on marketing initiatives – this could mean focusing on influencer marketing instead of traditional advertising campaigns, etc.
Finding your super-specific “who” is an essential step when it comes kicking off and scaling a consumer business. Answering five simple questions can help companies drill down on exactly who should be targeted when creating messaging and campaigns tailored specifically towards those customers so that they get optimal value out of the product or service being offered by the company. Ultimately this leads to greater customer satisfaction and better returns for businesses over time.