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Evaluating Performance as a Product Manager

As a product manager, it is important to be able to evaluate your own performance. This requires asking the right questions and continuously improving on both the technical aspects of product management and the business impact you have. This blog post will discuss how to evaluate your performance as a product manager and show you how to deliver more business impact, personal contributions, and garner stakeholder approval from internal teams and customers alike.

Asking Yourself Three Questions

The first step in evaluating your performance as a product manager is to ask yourself three questions: What are my objectives? How am I measuring progress towards those objectives? How can I adjust my strategy if needed? Having a clear understanding of your goals, progress towards them, and potential areas for improvement will help ensure that you are meeting the needs of both internal and external stakeholders.

Delivering More Business Impact

Product managers should strive to deliver more business impact with their products by providing insights into market trends, identifying customer needs, creating strategies for growth and profitability, and leading cross-functional teams toward successful delivery of products or services. By doing so, they can increase their value as an individual contributor within their organization. Additionally, staying up-to-date on industry trends can provide valuable insight into where the market is heading and what changes need to be made in order to stay competitive.

Personal Contributions as an Individual Contributor

Product managers need to be aware of their own personal contributions as an individual contributor in order to meet their objectives. They should be knowledgeable about their products or services, possess strong communication skills for conveying ideas effectively, remain organized when it comes to tracking timelines and milestones throughout the life cycle of their products or services. Additionally, having experience working in different departments such as engineering or marketing can expand their knowledge base which can prove beneficial when crafting product roadmaps or managing cross-functional teams.

Stakeholder Perception Matters

It’s also important for product managers to consider how stakeholders perceive them within the organization. Product managers should take ownership for projects under them by communicating effectively with team members about project progress and expectations; provide feedback on processes that could be improved upon; solicit feedback from external sources such as customers or industry experts; remain open minded when it comes to incorporating new technologies; demonstrate strong leadership skills; and actively listen in order gather insights that could lead to successful outcomes over time.


In conclusion, evaluating performance as a product manager requires asking yourself three questions while striving for delivering more business impact, personal contributions as an individual contributor, and garnering approval from stakeholders at all levels of your organization! By taking ownership for projects under them by communicating effectively with team members about project progress expectations; providing feedback on processes that could be improved upon; soliciting feedback from external sources such as customers or industry experts; remaining open minded when it comes to incorporating new technologies; demonstrating strong leadership skills; actively listening in order gather insights that could lead to successful outcomes over time—all these steps taken together can go a long way in helping you improve your performance as a product manager! Takeaways on evaluation & growth aspects of Product Management – A Product Manager must have clear objectives & have regular reviews/evaluations set up accordingly in order maximize success & growth within the company/organization they work at! Lastly make sure you listen carefully & incorporate feedback from various stakeholders (internal/external) into any decisions made going forward – this will help ensure optimal success & satisfaction! Thank you for reading this post about evaluating performance as a Product Manager! I hope this was helpful in understanding some of the key components necessary for success & growth within this role! Good luck!

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