Crafting a Product Vision with the GLEe Model

Blog Introduction: Have you ever wondered how Netflix rose to become the streaming giant it is today? The answer lies in part with something called the GLEe Model. Developed by former Netflix executive and current CEO of CloudKitchens, Reed Hastings, this model has helped countless companies craft their product vision for the future. Let’s take a look at what the GLEe Model is and how it can help you craft a product vision for your business.

What is the GLEe Model?

The GLEe Model stands for Get Big, Lead Downloading, Expand Worldwide. This model is based on three phases that are designed to help businesses plan out their product vision. Each phase focuses on a specific goal that builds on previous efforts and works towards crafting an effective product vision. In short, each step helps companies get bigger and better over time.

Breaking Down the GLEe Model

Phase One: Get Big on DVDs – This first phase focuses on getting big in one market before expanding into others. For Netflix, this meant becoming successful with DVD rentals before moving on to downloads and streaming services.

Phase Two: Lead Downloading – Once you have established yourself as a leader in one market, use that success as leverage to move into other markets. Netflix did this by introducing its own digital downloading platform as well as partnering with other companies like Apple TV or Roku to make its content available for streaming. Phase Three: Expand Worldwide – Once you have established yourself as a leader in your home market, expand your reach by entering new markets worldwide. Netflix did this through partnerships with various cable networks around the world and launching its streaming service internationally.

Crafting a Product Vision with the GLEe Model

When crafting a product vision using the GLEe Model, it’s important to think ahead—not just 3-5 years but even 10-15 years down the line—and ask yourself questions about where your company or product might be in that time frame. Establish device partnerships early so you can capitalize on trends while they are still hot and invest in original content so that you can differentiate yourself from competitors. Additionally, asking questions such as “What kind of customer base do I want?” and “What kind of customers do I want to target?” can help you further refine your product vision when using the GLEe Model.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for an effective way to craft your product vision for the future then consider using the GLEe Model developed by Reed Hastings of Netflix fame. This three-stage approach will help guide your business from getting big in one market all the way up through expanding worldwide into multiple markets over time. By considering potential customers down the line and investing in device partnerships and original content now, you will be well positioned to achieve success later down the road when crafting your product vision using this model!

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